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Shocked Mr. President Regarding Teacher Salaries

The latest viral news was suddenly crowded in social media. Status milling about on the Facebook homepage. Asking Mr. Unbelief The President about the existence of 300 thousand private teacher salaries. So the netizens are happy to comment, 'Where have you come, sir? Want to approach the new presidential election discussed. So don't run away if a teacher wants to take a demonstration to the palace? And there are many more responses, more spicy for Mr. President.

Starting from President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) receiving the arrival of the Indonesian Teachers Association (PGSI) at the State Palace, Jakarta. In front of Jokowi, PGSI coach Abdul Kadir Karding told sadly that teacher salaries were still found below the regional minimum wage (UMR).

"They are education fighters, sir. They earn an average of Rp. 300-400 thousand per month that has not been certified. Those who have already been certified are equivalent to MSEs (city / district minimum wages)," said Karding at the State Palace, Jalan Medan Merdeka Utara, Central Jakarta, Friday (1/11/2019). quoted from

It is very strange if the leaders of the country are not aware of the fate of their generation printers. The 300 thousand salary has become old news, some even below it. It's already been paid every three months. Not only private, but also a lot of state schools. The burden of educating may be heavier in the private sector, especially those based on Islam.

The education of honorary teachers in this country is indeed very heavy. Even though the burden of teaching is the same as the PNS teacher. So it is only natural if there is an appointment for CPNS, which is very large. All competing to become state teachers, to get a fairly large salary. There are those who justify all means by walking riswyah / bribing so they can pave the way to get the title of civil servants even though they have to pay tens of millions.

Is it wrong if the teachers want to get a decent life for their survival?

Actually there is nothing wrong. In fact, the state must have considerable attention to prosper the fate of the nation's generation of printers. Suppose there were no more teachers willing to teach in this country, who were more interested in working in the fields that were living their lives, this was a dangerous threat. Waiting for a terrible setback. The effect is greater than the tsunami. Delivering the people towards the dark ages.

Today, the teacher's work is getting harder. Curriculum 13 makes teachers more stressful, especially for teachers who are not ready for change. Those who are ready are still many that are made in the territory. Many teachers are still clueless, especially the old generation, who are still comfortable using old traditions. Behind that is a lot of administration that must be done by the teacher, who sometimes has to be taken home. The work of teachers is increasing. It's complicated and time consuming. So the task that actually educates is a little neglected. So our current generation is poor and does not reward the generation of experts in the field. And it will be very dangerous when the role of education produces a poor generation of adab.

The struggle of the teachers to achieve certification and towards the path of civil servants was even more complicated. Full of convoluted roads.

Different from Islam. When Islam is applied and experiences its golden peak. The role of the teacher is highly valued by the kholifah. The peak is in the days of Harun Ar-Rasyid, which is capable of prospering the lives of highly deserving teachers. A salary of two hundred dinars for teachers, that is the highest award of the time. Science is very expensive. And the progress that was felt at that time was truly extraordinary. Baghdad was at the height of its glory which was able to color European civilization which was still in the dark phase.

It is a historical fact that the thinking of the Islamic world experienced a great advance in the time between the VIII century and the XIII century which gave tangible results to Europe.

Can the leader of this country realize the fate of the printing generation of his people towards the level of prosperous life. No need to match it with the era of Islamic glory. Quite parallel with the Malaysian state, it's already extraordinary.

The attention of state leaders on the fate of teacher welfare is very important. So that the teachers are more focused on their duties in educating without having to think about other things. And it would be better if the administration charged to the teacher was eliminated. But returning to the vision and mission of the teacher educates the generation that is building our human generation.

And it's time for education to be returned to the Islamic curriculum based on the Qur'an. In order for this generation of the country to become a generation of the Qur'ani that is able to change the secular civilization towards Islamic civilization.

As the saying of the priest malik rahimahullah:

لَنْ يَصْلُحَ آخِرَ هَذِهِ الْأُمَّة إِلاَّ بِمَا صَلُحَ بِهِ أَوَّلُهَا

"The final generation of this ummah will not return to prosperity, except with nothing that has delivered the glory of the early generation" []


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